Diamond Indigo Chill at Emerald Glen CGC TKN BN RI JH
Whelped 04/28/2018
Black Carrying Yellow
OFA Hips Good
OFA Elbows Normal
OFA Heart Echo: Clear
CNM: Clear
DM: Clear
EIC: Clear
HNPK: Clear
PRA: Clear
RD/OSD: Clear
Skeletal Dysplasia 2: Clear
Stargardt: Carrier
CT ATP7A: Carrier for Protective Gene
CT ATP7B: Clear for Disease Gene
Annual Eye Exam: Clear
Whelped 04/28/2018
Black Carrying Yellow
OFA Hips Good
OFA Elbows Normal
OFA Heart Echo: Clear
CNM: Clear
DM: Clear
EIC: Clear
HNPK: Clear
PRA: Clear
RD/OSD: Clear
Skeletal Dysplasia 2: Clear
Stargardt: Carrier
CT ATP7A: Carrier for Protective Gene
CT ATP7B: Clear for Disease Gene
Annual Eye Exam: Clear
Indie is a very smart, very enthusiastic girl. She enjoys training of any kind, and excels in field work and competitive Obedience and Rally. She catches on quickly and focuses well. Indie has earned her first AKC Obedience Title, her first AKC Trick Dog Title, and her first two AKC Rally titles as well as her CGC. Indie also has her AKC Junior Hunter Title. Indie's pedigree shows a heavy concentration of dogs who have proven themselves in multiple venues. We love using dogs who have proven themselves in the show ring, CHAMPIONS, and who have demonstrated talent in the hunt test field at the highest level by earning the title of MASTER HUNTER. In AKC history there have only been 85 of these amazing CH/MH dogs. In Indie's pedigree, you will see that her father and grandfather are both CH/MHs. No wonder she is a multi-talented girl! The best thing about Indie, may be her amazing Labrador temperament. She has never met a stranger, or a lap too small to worm her way onto.
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